At Summit Muay Thai, we develop confidence and purpose in our members through the technical practice of Muay Thai. We like to compare our martial arts training to the slow and steady climb of a mountain- aiming to reach its peaks through perseverance,
    hard work, humility, consistency and patience.


    Our mission is to guide our team on this journey and develop their physical and mental fitness.


  • Our training philosophy can be broken down into these ideas:
    Our training process is like the slow and steady climb of a mountain. We will reach its peaks through perseverance, hard work, humility, consistency and patience. Sometimes, the peak isn’t even important. We like to enjoy the path during the climb, stopping to take in the view, look at the sky and drink from the cool mountain streams.
    Our ability to perform far out-weighs how we look, and our performance, can guide us as to how we feel.
    Our training environment is welcoming, friendly and safe. This is not a space for toxic behaviour, unhealthy competition and meat-head mentality. In the words of Lao Tzu, from the text Tao Te Ching:

    The Soft and Flexible
    When first born, we’re small and weak;
    The living are soft and flexible.
    When we die, we become hard and stiff;
    The dead are rigid, unmoving.
    The greenery - grasses, plants and trees
    Growing are tender and supple,
    Dead are dry and brittle.
    And so the strong and hard
    Go along with dying;
    The open to change and flexible with living.
    When an army becomes inflexible,
    It suffers defeat.
    A tree that won’t bend
    Easily breaks in storms.
    The hard and strong will fail,
    The open-hearted prevail.